Wednesday, April 13, 2016

4 Things To Be Aware Of Before Hiring An HVAC Repair Technician

Nothing is more frustrating during the hot summer months than a poorly functioning A/C system that is not cooling down the home as well as it should. Interestingly enough, that frustration you may be experiencing could have been avoided if you would have performed a little preventative maintenance. However, it is also a good idea to contract to an HVAC repair technician to perform the more complicated preventative maintenance tasks so your cooling and heating systems continue to operate efficiently and properly.
You can perform the simpler tasks such as checking for restrictions in the airflow that are typically caused by dirty air filters. Additionally, if you have a weak airflow, there may be a problem with the blower or the ducts. In that case, you should hire an HVAC contractor or technician to correct those issues. Here are 4 things to beware of if you are thinking about contacting a contractor or technician:
Beware of any deals that seem too good to be true - remember the old adage “if it seems too good to be true then it probably is.” HVAC companies are always running deals and seasonal specials throughout the year. But the companies that advertise service calls that are far cheaper than all the others or even offer FREE service calls are the ones you want to avoid. These companies may bury those charges in other repair or replacement fees.

Beware of price estimates that are too low - granted, you want to save money and avoid costly HVAC repairs whenever you can. However, cheap prices are usually an indication of a contractor or technician that is cutting corners and not doing things according to the manufacturer's specs.
Beware of those companies that do not have much of a history - one out of every 5 HVAC companies fail every year, so the longer they have been in business, the better off you will be. Look for a company or contractor that has weathered the ups and downs of the economy over several years before you even consider contacting them.
Beware of using the Yellow Pages - choosing an HVAC contractor or repair technician from the Yellow Pages is like rolling the dice in a casino. You're gambling on the results and they are not always going to be positive. Those ads can be very deceiving, so be careful and research every company as thoroughly as possible.
Most importantly, the time to contact an HVAC contractor or repair technician is not when there is a problem with your cooling and heating system. Your system is no different from any other mechanical device - it needs proper care and maintenance to ensure that it works efficiently and minimizes the risk of breakdown or failure. The best way to ensure this is by hiring the services of a professional.
That contractor or repair technician will routinely service your HVAC system so that you benefit in the long run. This insures a number of benefits including better safety, extending the lifespan of your equipment, and improved performance of your system. Additionally, it ensures that costly breakdowns will be avoided and that your energy costs are significantly reduced in the long run. The investment you make when hiring an HVAC contractor or repair technician will more than pay for itself in the long run.

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